Strategic Plan
YPT Baltimore Strategic Plan
At the beginning of 2017, the Board of coque huawei p8 YPT Baltimore was looking to solidify our purpose as a professional organization and distinguish coque iphone 5c hazard our chapterfrom the other coque iphone 5c effet marbre pas cher professional transportation coque iphone 6 incassable fnac organizations in coque huawei p20 the area. The strategic plan was developed to formalize our focus over the next coque iphone 5s nounours year as well as begin to plan strategies to enhance and grow our chapter for years to come. You, as a member of YPT Baltimore, have a voice in planning our organization’s future and the strategic planning effort will provide the platform for your coque autres galaxy samsung voice to coque iphone 5s electro depot be coque iphone 5s paillettes heard. The Strategic Plan will be coque iphone 5c pantone universe updated annually and by coque iphone 5se rugby coque samsung s5 future boards with the input of YPT Baltimore coque iphone 5 poils members.
YPT Baltimore Final Strategic Plan (PDF)We held our first brainstorming meeting in January and will continue to develop the strategic plan at our monthly steering committee meetings. It not too late to get coque iphone 6 plus protection involved in YPT Baltimore!
Step 1: coque huawei pro Ask Questions (Completed February 15, 2017)
The first step of developing our chapter strategic plan is to survey you, our coque iphone 5s silicone style member or prospective member, coque iphone 5 c avec rabat on coque iphone 6 plus phrase how we can better support you as a professional in the transportation industry.
The survey was available from February 1 15, coque iphone 5c resistant au choc 2017. We are very pleased with the number of responses received and are now gearing up for step imprimer coque iphone 6 2 of our strategic planning process!
Step 2: Review survey results (Completed February 23, 2017)
This step will begin after the survey closes, with critical discussion and progress planned in March. Stay tuned for location and date of steering committee coque iphone 5s qui joue avec la pomme meetings which will focus on the strategic plan development…